
Die Hochschule Kehl lebt Internationalisierung: Englisch- und französischsprachige Masterstudiengänge, globale Netzwerke sowie Austausch von Studierenden, Forschenden und Mitarbeitenden bereichern das Hochschulleben und tragen zu einer internationalen und weltoffenen Hochschule bei.

Located in the heart of Europe and on the border with France, Kehl University of Applied Sciences is internationally renowned as a European University of Public Administration with strong expertise in international and cross-border cooperation.

Its broad network of partner universities around the world enables students to gain relevant professional experience in every study cycle. The teaching and research expertise in the field of Europeanisation and internationalisation also represents a unique selling point from a nationwide comparative perspective.

Global network

Would you like to find out what international co-operations Kehl University of Applied Sciences has, who it knows around the world and where you could complete your internship abroad, for example?

Click here to see the interactive world map.

For students of the HS Kehl

Due to the increasing internationalisation of society and public administration, Kehl University of Applied Sciences would like to provide its students with the best possible support in this regard during their studies. 

The International Office therefore offers students the following service:

  • Organisation of language courses
  • Organisation of internships abroad
  • Support for study trips and seminars
  • Advice on funding programmes

For international guests

Would you like to spend a semester at Kehl University of Applied Sciences? Then we look forward to hearing from you. The university welcomes foreign students (Bachelor's and Master's students as well as doctoral candidates), guest lecturers and delegations.

All of our degree programmes are available to students from abroad who wish to complete their entire studies at Kehl University of Applied Sciences. Please note the respective application requirements.

English-language degree programme

German and French-language degree programme

German-language study programmes


International profile

Public sector management is becoming an increasingly demanding task in today's globalised and constantly changing world. Many of the challenges we face at the local or regional administrative level can only be addressed through cross-border or transnational co-operation. At the same time, public administration plays an important role in promoting peace, freedom, social justice, the rule of law and sustainable development worldwide and makes an important contribution to solving the global problems of the 21st century through its involvement in international cooperation projects.

Kehl School of Public Administration is committed to its global responsibility in the sense of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and sees internationalization as a cross-sectional task that must be anchored in all structures and areas of responsibility of the university.

In its internationalization strategy for the period 2018 to 2021, Kehl University of Applied Sciences defines three strategic fields:

1. strengthening the intercultural and foreign language skills of all university members through academic exchanges and other measures with the aim of training students to become global citizens who have the ability to look at challenges from different perspectives and bring about positive change at regional level and beyond.

2. active networking with foreign universities, research institutes and administrative organizations within the framework of European and international funding programs to promote the international transfer of knowledge, know-how and innovative capacity in all areas of public administration in order to further increase the international orientation of the university's practice-oriented teaching and applied research.

3. implementation and participation in projects of regional, national and international organizations of international cooperation for the establishment of efficient and transparent administrative structures in European transition states and in developing countries, taking into account the principles of good governance as well as the integration of aspects of sustainability and awareness raising for global interrelationships in teaching and research.

Mobility programs

Since 1987, the European Union has been promoting the cross-border mobility of students, teaching and administrative staff in Europe as well as EU university cooperation with the "Erasmus+" education program, and Kehl University of Applied Sciences has been participating in the Erasmus program for more than 20 years. The International Office is responsible for Erasmus+ at Kehl University of Applied Sciences. Please contact us if you require further information, advice and/or support with your application.
Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education
The Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), awarded by the EU Commission upon application, documents that a higher education institution meets all the requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ program. Kehl University of Applied Sciences has once again been awarded the Erasmus Charter for the duration of the new program generation (2021-2027). It is therefore entitled to participate in all funding lines of the new Erasmus+ program. By signing the charter, Kehl University of Applied Sciences undertakes to comply with the quality standards set by the European Union with regard to student and staff mobility
European Policy Statement
The Erasmus+ Policy Statement sets out the university's modernization and internationalization strategy and is divided into three parts. The first part of the Erasmus+ Policy Statement describes the international strategy of Kehl University of Applied Sciences. It defines how partners are selected, which geographical areas the university focuses on and what the most important goals and target groups of the mobility activities are. The second part describes the university's strategy with regard to the organization and implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects in teaching and training with reference to projects carried out with the help of the program. The third part discusses the impact on the modernization of the university in relation to the five priorities of the modernization agenda.
Erasmus+ Charter & European Policy Statement 2021-2027
Erasmus+ Charter & European Policy Statement 2014-2020
Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020

International projects

The Department of International Affairs develops, coordinates and acquires third-party funding for numerous international projects.

With the BWS plus programme, the Baden-Württemberg Foundation supports innovative collaborations between universities and other international institutions. The programme, which is endowed with around 1.2 million euros annually, has been advertised since 2011. Since then, more than 110 BWS plus projects have been supported at universities in Baden-Württemberg.

The Baden-Württemberg Foundation is funding the following two projects at Kehl University of Applied Sciences:

The project aims to further develop the Master's degree program "Public Management in International Cooperation" (PMIC) at Kehl University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Université Cheick Anta Diop (Senegal), the Centre Africain d'Études Supérieures en Gestion - CESAG (Senegal), Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and the Ethiopian Civil Service University - ECSU (Ethiopia).

The aim of the part-time PMIC course, which is accredited until 30.9.2028, is to bridge the "public administration gap" (lack of knowledge and understanding of foreign administrative systems and cultures due to linguistic, cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds), which impedes or prevents the successful implementation of international cooperation (IC) projects, by providing practice-oriented qualifications specifically geared towards IC experts. Another major problem that the PMIC aims to bridge is the "implementation gap": while the overarching objectives of international cooperation projects are well described, implementation falls short of the high expectations and sometimes even achieves the opposite. This leads to frustration on all sides, damaging international relations instead of improving them.

Through the project, the content of the previously English-language Master's degree program PMIC is being further developed with the help of concepts on regional focuses and bilingual (English-French) didactics as well as francophone pilot modules.

For structural development, feasibility studies and process plans for co-accreditation, as well as digital and cooperative study management and international co-work programs of the administration are being developed.

This project aims to achieve various goals for the international expansion of the degree program:

  • the addition of French-language elements to the previously English-language degree program
  • a co-accreditation of the PMIC in African countries
  • the expansion of the university network to include universities in East and North Africa
  • the establishment of a practitioner and alumni network
  • the introduction of a research component to link research, teaching and practice

Concrete measures to achieve objectives:

  • Evaluation and development workshops with teaching staff, administration, students and alumni workshops to involve external practitioners in the further development and implementation of the degree program
  • Evaluation of important degree program management processes
  • Concept and action plan for accreditation of the joint master's degree are being drawn up
  • Bilingual didactic concept is created, implemented in pilot modules and evaluated
  • Concepts for an alumni network and e-mentoring scheme are being developed
  • Usage scenarios and software requirements for extensions to the virtual platform are defined
  • One fact-finding mission each to potential partner universities and practice partners in Tunisia, Morocco and Kenya
  • International cross-stakeholder scientific conferences
  • Virtual co-working program for the administration of all universities involved in the degree program
  • Project and cooperation management, administration and management

The project is funded by the DAAD as part of the funding program

Boosting the Relevant International Dimension in Governmental Expertise, or BRIDGE for short, is an internationalization project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at Kehl University of Applied Sciences, which will be implemented in 2022 and 2023. As the project title suggests, the aim is to build bridges between different development axes of the university, such as the internationalization strategy and the research and transfer strategy. 

In this further development process, the potential of digitalization is to be exploited through the integration of digital tools and the foreign language, intercultural and technical skills of all those involved are to be increased.

Read more 

Das vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) geförderte HAW.International-Projekt „Kehl.EU – Towards a European University for Public Management“ knüpft an das erfolgreiche Internationalisierungsprojekt „Boosting the Relevant International Dimension in Governmental Expertise“ kurz „BRIDGE“ (2022-2023) an. Kehl.EU zielt darauf ab, das internationale Profil der Hochschule Kehl als europäische Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung zu schärfen und langfristige strategische Partnerschaften mit Hochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Praxisinstitutionen in ganz Europa, insbesondere im Bereich Public Management, aufzubauen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Neukonzeption und Weiterentwicklung von Studienangeboten mit Europabezug.

Dieses Ziel wird im Projekt Kehl.EU durch zwei Projekt- und zwei Querschnittsmodule erreicht. Die Projekt- und Querschnittsmodule richten sich an europäische Studieninteressierte sowie Studierende, Doktorand*innen, Lehrende, Forschende und Gastwissenschaftler*innen.

Mehr Informationen zum Projekt Kehl.EU – Towards a European University for Public Management

Country representatives

Teachers who have long-standing good relationships with universities and scientific organisations in the country concerned can be appointed as country representatives.

African countries

(except South Africa)

Australia & New Zealand

Europe (ENTO)

France & Switzerland

Great Britain


Morocco & Turkey



South Africa

for Taiwan


United States of America


International relations

Kathrin Schindler

Leitung | Internationalisierungsstrategie |  Internationale Partnerschaften & Projekte | Erasmus-Hochschulkoordination | Mobilitäten Lehrende

Katja Heinsch

Studienberatung Outgoing Studierende (Auslandspraktika & Erasmus-Förderung für Studierende)

Dr. Ann-Marie Riesner

Koordination Filière Française & Sprachkurse

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